Home>SKI TOUR CRETEhiking>SKI TOUR CRETEZourva Tromarisa

Zourva Tromarisa

Just a few kilometres away from Hania the mountains await us, in a surprising route at the northwest side of the White Mountains. Our route starts from the Hania plain and after passing through the heart of the orangery’s, tasting the delicious citrus fruit, we reach beautiful Zourva. Our hike starts from there, on an easy tail in a forest of wild cypress and pine trees. As we climb higher the wilderness of the scenery becomes more and more interesting with intense variations and an amazing view being constantly present. Before even getting tired we will enjoy our beverage at a forest clearing and we will start our way back on a route full of surprises as we will cross the historic Therissos Gorge admiring the tall cliffs on our left and right. We will be back in Hania in the early afternoon.

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