Home>SKI TOUR CRETEhiking>SKI TOUR CRETESfakiano Gorge

Sfakiano Gorge

If you are looking for a more relaxed hike with a full sense of seclusion and stunning scenery, then the Sfakiano gorge is the best option. Once we reach the beautiful plateau will climb to the plateau Niato 1200 meters and in the shadow of Kastro Peak and Fanari will begin to descend on the beautiful path to Kaloi Lakoi. Passes slowly narrowing and a wall near each other more and more. Now we are in the heart and the feeling in his guts is magical and dreamy. As if the next corner will emerge fairies of the forest, while Tarzan would come down from the tall trees. The next natural intersection of gorge awaits us the best place to take our snack, in a beautiful church in the shadow of the trees and along the bed of the natural river to get out in the country Sfakia to swim in the crystal clear waters of the Libyan Sea.

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